Rabu, 27 Julai 2016
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Selasa, 21 Julai 2015
Redbull Haram?
Baru- baru ni kecoh pasal kononnya Redbull tu haram. Haram pasal apa? Pasal ada TAURINE. TAURINE tu apa? TAURINE tu kononnya satu bahan yang diperbuat daripada darah daripada bangkai binatang seperti sapi, BABI (kalau bab haram menatang ni mesti ada), kucing dan sebagainya.
Benda ni memang total bullshitlah. Aku bukan minat sangat nak minum kejadah Redbull ni, sebabnya aku percaya kalau tak minum Redbull ni pun aku masih boleh hidup lagi. Lagipun aku kurang percaya sangat dengan minuman tenaga macam ni. Kalau minum banyak-banyak boleh flat stamina tuh.
bila baca bullshit macam ni mulalah jari ni ligat nak menaip. Menyampah dengan kebodohan orang yang mudah sangat percaya benda-benda merapu kerapu kertang entah daripada mana-mana ni.
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Struktur kimia Taurine cornellbiochem.wikispaces.com |
Taurine adalah sejenis asid amino yang banyak terdapat dalam tisu haiwan. Ianya dinamakan taurine sebabnya taurine ni mula-mula ditemui oleh saintis dalam hempedu lembu/ sapi (ox bile). Perkataan 'taurine' ni asalnya daripada perkataan latin iaitu 'taurus' yang bermaksud lembu/ sapi. Ini juga sebabnya nama minuman ni diberi nama Redbull (secara literalnya bermaksud Lembu Merah.)
p/s ada sesapa kat sini zodiak Taurus?
Jangan kawan ngan aku ha, kena makan ngan Leo ni kang, hahahahahaha
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Korang buat hapa ni??? Gambar daripada http://collections.lacma.org/node/234682 |
Seperti aku cakap tadi taurine ni mengikut sejarah pada asalnya diambil daripada hempedu lembu. Ye betul, daripada hempedu lembu. Taurine boleh dijumpai dalam daging dan ikan. Ia boleh jugak dijumpai dalam tisu manusia, usus dan dalam susu ibu.
Ada juga urban legend yang kata konon taurine untuk redbull ni dibuat daripada sperma lembu. Ni mengarutlah. Memang betullah taurine ni dihasilkan secara semulajadi dalam testikel (teloq) haiwan. Tapi fikir logiklah....macam mana ko nak kutip sperma daripada lembu-lembu ni pastu buat jus taurine? Kesian tau lembu-lembu kena gangguan seksual.
Sebenarnya taurine boleh dihasilkan secara sintetik. Prosesnya senang je macam ni:
"Synthetic taurine is obtained from isethionic acid (2-hydroxyethanesulfonic acid), which in turn is obtained from the reaction of ethylene oxide with aqueous sodium bisulfite.
Another approach is the reaction of aziridine with sulfurous acid. This leads directly to taurine."
Ada faham? Tak faham kan? Lantak koranglah tak faham. Yang pentingnya korang kena faham bahawa taurine boleh dihasilkan secara sintetik dan bukannya dorang pegi ambik darah ke bangkai ke atau lancapkan lembu-lembu untuk dapatkan taurine tu.
Ini sekadar tambahan pengetahuan am untuk korang je, yelah nak harapkan korang google memang tak la kan. Baik google pasal shawl ke cheese cake ke atau spare part moto kereta. Tak gitu....hahahahahahahamekcowwww!!!
Bull, Ox dan Cow semuanya bermaksud lembu. Tapi apa bezanya?
Cow adalah perkataan yang merujuk kepada lembu secara general.
Tapi dalam American English, cow ni merujuk kepada lembu betina.
Nahhh, amekkkcoww
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Gambar daripada http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3te6fu |
Ox pulak lembu yang dah hilang kejantanannya sebab dikasi/ castrated (kasi tu maksudnya kena potong terus part yang "tu"...alah angry bird dia tu lah). Kesiaannn... Sebab apa lembu tu dikasi, sebabnya senang nak control, lembu sapi ni kan gagah perkasa lagi ganas, jadi kenalah hilangkan kejantanan dia kalau nak senang kawal. Kasi potonggggg!
Bull pulak bermaksud lembu jantan yang tak dikasi. Kira lembu jantan sejati la. Disebabkan kejantanan Bull tu maka perkataan tu dipilih sebagai nama minuman ni.
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Jantan macam I Gambar daripada http://www.vectorsland.com/imgd/l80435-muscular-bull-64690.jpg |
Oooo, nak tau Redbull halal ke tak? Ok ni jawapan daripada Jakim:
Selasa, 9 Jun 2015
Taj Mahal Hoax
This is a mixture of BSs and A Fact:
I don't know where did these 'facts' come from, but I would say most of them are BS:
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Mumtaz and Shahjahan |
1) Mumtaz was not the 4th wife of Shahjahan
" Arjumand Banu Begum (aka Mumtaz) was married at the age of 19, on 10 May 1612, to Prince Khurram, later known as Emperor Shah Jahan, who conferred upon her the title "Mumtaz Mahal". Though betrothed to Shah Jahan in 1607, she ultimately became his second wife in 1612 and was his favorite. " wikipedia
2) Shah Jahan had SEVEN wives? - NOPE He had THREE wives:
i) Arjumand Banu Begum aka Mumtaz Mahal
ii) Akbarabadi Mahal
iii) Kandahari Mahal
3) ShahJahan killed Mumtaz's husband?
" In 1608, Prince Khurram (Shah Jahan's birht name) was engaged to Arjumand Banu Begum (aka Mumtaz) – when they were 15 and 14 years old, respectively. But for some reason, the Prince was not married to Arjumand Banu Begum for five years, which was an unusually long engagement for the time. However, Shah Jahan married the daughter of great-grandson of Shah Ismail of Persia with whom he had a daughter, his first child.[11] " -wikipedia
4) Fact number 3. Yes, this is a fact...err, so what's wrong with it?
" Mumtaz Mahal died in Burhanpur in 1631 AD (1040 AH) while giving birth to her fourteenth child.[2] She had been accompanying her husband while he was fighting a campaign in the Deccan Plateau. Apparently after her death, Shah Jahan went into secluded mourning for a year.[9] When he appeared again, his hair had turned white, his back was bent, and his face worn." Wikipedia
5) Shah Jahan married Mumtaz's sister?
" Shah Jahan did not marry after the death of Mumtaz, definitely not the sister of Mumtaz. After Mumtaz's death, Shah Jahan was inconsolable and spent the rest of his years in mourning, and construction of Taj Mahal in her memory, as a symbol of love. Later when he died, his body was also buried beside Mumtaz in Taj Mahal. " http://www.hoaxorfact.com/
Hadis Palsu - Fadilat Mengingatkan Kedatangan Syaaban
Sekarang sudah masuk bulan Syaaban, dan kalau di Terengganu pasti yang ditunggu adalah "malam sSepu" - dalam bahasa key-elnya adalah malam Nisfu Syaaban. Pada malam Nisfu Syaaban biasanya akan diadakan majlis baca Yasin beramai-ramai. Namun berlainan pula dengan Nisfu Syaaban kali ini. Lainnya kerana saya baru tahu satu hadis baru daripada wall Facebook seorang sahabat berkenaan fadhilat bulan Syaaban. Ianya berbunyi begini:
semua. Sekarang dah nk masuk malam nisfu sya'ban dan malam nisfu
sya'ban jatuhnya pada 5 Julai ( Hari Tutupnya Buku Amalan ) . Sebelum
terlambat, saya ingin memohon maaf jikalau saya ada buat salah dan silap
dgn semua. ^^
* Nabi Muhammad bersabda, sesiapa yang mengingatkan kedatangan bulan ini, HARAM API NERAKA bagi nya. :)
Sudah memang kebiasaan saya untuk memeriksa kesahihan hadith-hadith yang rakan-rakan share-kan di dinding Facebook mereka. Hasilnya saya menjumpai satu printscreen yang berikut daripada Koleksi Printscreen Ustaz Azhar Idrus:
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Penjelasan Ustaz Azhar berkenaan hadis fadilat bulan Syaaban |
Pisang Goreng Plastik
Daripada http://forums.techarp.com/adrian-wong/26774-plastic-frying-oil-hoax.html
I never touched this hoax because I always thought people would be able to see how implausible this story is. Yet, this story (or its many iterations) keeps circulating back to my mailbox.
Take a look at the latest version to arrive. Then let's bust this stupid myth once and for all!
First, let's start with the logic of the story... or the lack thereof.
Okay, maybe I'm an incorrigible skeptic. Let's look at the science then.
To sum it up, this is YET ANOTHER hoax. Yes, people, IT IS NOT TRUE.
I hope that everyone will forward this rebuttal of this stupid hoax, instead of forwarding the actual hoax. It's time to stop this stupidity.
If you still persist in not using common sense, then let me leave you with a "tip". If you are worried about eating plastic-coated food and yet, cannot pass up on such delicacies, well, there's a simple test - leave the food for 15 minutes or so, and see if it softens. If you cannot wait, then just dunk a part of it in water and see if it absorbs or repels water.
Take a look at the latest version to arrive. Then let's bust this stupid myth once and for all!
PISANG GORENG WILL MAKE YOU SICK This is a true story (from my friend). Mum said my uncle saw it in Tunjang (Kedah) and the pasar malam in Titi Chai Kangar (Perlis) where goreng pisang was sold in the afternoons. The hawker added a plastic drinking straw into a wok of hot oil and let it melt completely before he started to fry some bananas in the bubbling oil. This is why some fried bananas and ubi are so crispy... for hours...!! My uncle asked the hawker about this, but the hawker did not answer him. When my uncle told my mum about this, they realised this is how the hawkers ensure that fried food stays crispy for their customers. My mum said that in Thailand , they do the same thing to keep fried ikan bilis and fried onions crispy, even if left in the open for hours!! Another time, I was with my family in Cameron Highlands . It was 3:00 pm and we were hanging around the market area, where there were several hawker stalls. At one of them, there was a big wok of boiling oil with an empty plastic bottle floating in it and slowly melting. At first I thought it had fallen into the oil accidentally, but then I saw a little girl, about 7-years old, holding a pair of chopsticks and stirring the bottle around in the hot oil. I realised, Oh my God... these people were using melted plastic to fry food, so that the fried snacks would not turn soft when it cooled down later. Please forward to all your friends... DO NOT EAT CRISPY FRIED SNACKS from the hawkers!! Even if you don't see them melting the plastic in oil, they might have added the plastic a few hours before. After all, they keep the black oil for next day's frying as well, to save cost on cooking oil. |
- 1. Why would anyone melt plastic straws or bottles in their frying oil in public??? Even if a hawker is so greedy for that edge over his competitor, would he/she be so stupid as to do it so openly?
2. Even if there's someone that stupid (and the story has at least two idiots of that caliber), why would anyone buy anything from them? Are we that stupid as to continue to buy from such hawkers if we can see them doing such a thing?
3. More importantly, why didn't the writer (who seemed oh so concerned about our well-being) report the hawker to the authorities? Why didn't anyone else for the matter?
4. We all know how plastic stinks when you burn or melt them. Logically, any food cooked in such oil would stink. I cannot imagine anyone who would buy such food or even come close to such a hawker!
5. We have all been to so many night and morning markets and purchased fried bananas and all sorts of fritters from such vendors all our lives. HAVE ANYONE OF YOU EVER SEEN SUCH A THING??? I'll bet NONE of you have ever seen it. Yet, the writer and his uncle have personally seen TWO vendors doing it. Coincidence? I think NOT!
Okay, maybe I'm an incorrigible skeptic. Let's look at the science then.
- 1. Plastic bottles are made of PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), that melts at above 250 degress Celcius. The de facto frying oil in Malaysia is palm oil, which has a smoking point of just 235 degrees Celcius. That means the frying oil will break down and start smoking BEFORE the plastic bottle even begins to melt!
2. The only cooking oils that are stable enough above 250 degrees Celcius are refined safflower oil and avocado oil. These are the oils that are remotely capable of melting plastic bottles. Needless to say, they are both much harder to find and A LOT more expensive than palm oil. How much does a fried banana cost? RM 0.70 (US 22 cents)?
3. Even if you go to all the trouble and expense of actually melting the bottles in safflower/avocado oil, and successfully coat a banana in molten plastic, you will end up with a pretty inedible plastic-coated banana. The plastic coat will be hard to chew on. Try chewing on a plastic bag. If that's not much fun, then you can imagine how it feels to chew on a plastic-coated banana. You will probably feel like you are chewing on a soft dildo...
4. Plastic-coated food items will be easy to spot. They will be waterproof and will not spoil. If applied to small food items like ikan bilis (anchovies), they will actually pass through your GI system and exit in your stool in pristine condition!
5. More importantly, plastic cannot be absorbed or digested by our body... so it will pass through our GI system. The only danger of swallowing plastic is that it may cause GI obstruction. That's why turtles die when they chew on plastic bags... so stop using so many plastic bags and STOP throwing them into the sea!!!
To sum it up, this is YET ANOTHER hoax. Yes, people, IT IS NOT TRUE.
I hope that everyone will forward this rebuttal of this stupid hoax, instead of forwarding the actual hoax. It's time to stop this stupidity.
If you still persist in not using common sense, then let me leave you with a "tip". If you are worried about eating plastic-coated food and yet, cannot pass up on such delicacies, well, there's a simple test - leave the food for 15 minutes or so, and see if it softens. If you cannot wait, then just dunk a part of it in water and see if it absorbs or repels water.
Dr. Adrian Wong
Dr. Adrian Wong
Rabu, 21 November 2012
Logo Israel Pada Setiap PC!
Tahukah anda pada setiap komputer dan laptop yang menggunakan perisian Microsoft Office ada diisikan lambang negara Israel? Tak percaya? Cuba lakukan yang berikut:
Buka komputer/ laptop anda
pda "Local Disk (c) , THEN
"Program Files"
"Microsoft Office"
THEN "Media"
cari gambar no "J0285926" dan
Anda akn jmpa gambar Lambang/
Bendera ZIONIS,ISRAEL.l ngkap
(sama dngan wrna aslinya) dngan
lilin (sarana ibadah
DELETE pic itu!!
Utk pngtahuan anda ,
gmbar trsbut ada di sluruh PC
Sbarkan kpd smua saudara islam!!
CARI smpai
Saya pasti anda akan menjumpai lambang yang berikut pada PC anda:
Lambang Star of David dan Menorah
Nah, apa lagi? Satu lagi bukti bahawa Yahudi kini sedang cuba menguasai dunia dengan menggunakan perisian Microsoft. Anda perlu menghapuskan logo tersebut secepat mungkin. Besar kemungkinan Yahudi sedang memasang perangkap untuk mengintip pergerakan umat Islam di seluruh dunia melalui PC yang mereka gunakan!
Sebelum anda terus membuat kesimpulan dan teori yang bukan-bukan. Ada baiknya anda lakukan yang berikut:
1) Buka perisian Microsoft Word
2) Pergi ke Insert
3) Pergi ke ClipArt
4) Pada ruangan "Search for", taipkan religion
5) Tekan "Go"
6) Katakan pada diri anda sendiri "Laa, logo agama je rupanya...lambang Islam, Kristian dan Buddha pun ada gak kat sini...chaisshhhh!"
cari gambar no "J0285926" dan
Anda akn jmpa gambar Lambang/
Bendera ZIONIS,ISRAEL.l ngkap
(sama dngan wrna aslinya) dngan
lilin (sarana ibadah
DELETE pic itu!!
Utk pngtahuan anda ,
gmbar trsbut ada di sluruh PC
Sbarkan kpd smua saudara islam!!
CARI smpai
Sebelum anda terus membuat kesimpulan dan teori yang bukan-bukan. Ada baiknya anda lakukan yang berikut:
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Lambang Yahudi pada PC |
Catatan (Atom)